Contact Us

In case you received the wrong item.

Drop us an email at within 2 days of the date of delivery. Our Customer delight team will resolve it at the earliest. 

In case you received a damaged item.

Drop us an email with your order id and the picture of the damaged product at within 2 days of the date of delivery. Our customer delight team will help you with your queries and resolve it at the earliest.


In case you need to cancel your order.

You can cancel an order within 3 hours of placing the order.

For any queries related to order you can drop us a mail at and our mailing address  plot no.9 , 2nd floor YEH MERA INDIA , near prabhat press, Behind Bhole bala sansang narhe - dhayari  road Pune 411041 


Drop a mail on with in 2 days our team will revert you.


Drop a mail on with in 2 days our team will revert you.